Hypnosis is a wonderful life affirming treatment that can have a huge impact on our mood, relationships, and how we live our lives.
Research suggests that experiencing deep levels of trance, offering renewal and rebirth that can give your life meaning, improve mental and physical health, and improve relationships with yourself and others , heal the “inner bully,” the harshness, and the overwhelm.
It mentally returns you to a happiness that isn’t based on the ever-changing weather systems of emotions, thoughts, sensations, or life circumstances.
What really shifts suffering, what really heals, is love. The truth is Hypnosis helps you to access that LOVE within you . LOVE heals. It’s really that simple. We tend to over-complicate it — looking for complex solutions to our suffering, heartaches, and worries. We can busy ourselves with looking for solutions outside of ourselves, when, really, we can turn inward to our own hearts and bring loving attention to what’s here.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a very calm state of being. When you experiencing trance , your body and mind will slow down and you’ll simply relax. This relaxation allows for a clearing of “mental clutter” so that a heightened state of healing, transformation, focus, and growth can occur. Hypnosis can help you manifest your goals – the things that you’re truly ready to achieve. Hypnosis helps to activate personal power, creativity and strengths when you’re ready to make a change. It helps to transcend old barriers. It’s a great tool for individuals and business development.
Hypnosis is perfectly safe. You cannot get stuck in hypnosis, and you are aware and conscious throughout the experience. Hypnosis is a completely natural state we experience every day. Every time that we are so focused on TV, our phone, computer screen, reading, driving, or ‘in the zone’ doing a sport, that we do not notice the passing of time, we are in a hypnotic state.
Anyone can be hypnotised because anyone can go into a deep state of focus; however, some find it more difficult to relax and allow themselves to trust, follow and just let go. You cannot be ‘programmed’ with hypnosis to do anything or assimilate any suggestion that goes against your own personal moral standards.
You have complete control during your session. If you do not want to be hypnotised, you won’t be. If you resist, it will not work. If you are analysing instructions rather than following them, it makes the process more difficult If you are open to the experience, willing to be hypnotised, and prepared to trust, follow and give it a go, you will experience the profound benefits of being in hypnosis.
When You Infuse Your Life With Love Miracles Happens!
What to Expect?
As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Seasoned Counselor & Coach, I use Interactive Hypnotherapy Skills – a method that I’ve found to be much more effective than traditional hypnosis. Interactive hypnotherapy with me involves dialogue during hypnosis, use of transformational imagery, emotional and energetic release, age regression, work with the body-mind relationship, healing root causes, inner child healing, transcending psychological blocks, and re-scripting thought patterns by supporting your goals, images, words, and inner wisdom.
In our first session, I take a history, we have a conversation about what brings you to Hypnotherapy and your hopes and we talk about how hypnosis will benefit you. Together we decide how often and when we will meet based on your treatment goals. If time permits, I can facilitate your first hypnosis session.
Intention Setting
An introductory conversation where we explore your motivations for wanting the session and together, we clarify your intention and questions.
An induced state of deep relaxation where communication channels with your Subconscious are opened to activate healing. I will guide you deep into hypnosis and invite your own subconscious to release any thoughts, feelings, emotions or sensations that are causing you unnecessary stress. This alone has a profound positive impact on emotional and physical problems.
A wrap up conversation where we may explore our individual experience of the session and re-cap on the highlights of the received guidance and healing.
Plan for up to 120 minutes for the first session.
You may begin to experience results from hypnosis after only one hypnotherapy session and a single issue can often be addressed successfully in a few hypnotherapy sessions. Certainly results vary among individuals, as no two people are the same. For more multi-layered issues and multiple goals, more hypnotherapy sessions will likely be needed.
Hypnosis is not a “magic pill” and it isn’t for everyone. While hypnosis is a relatively quick method of making permanent improvements, there is no such thing as a one-time “hypno-miracle!” Every individual makes progress at his or her own rate.
The treatment of conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression
Weight Management
Smoking Cessation
Improve sleep, overcome insomnia
Improve memory and concentration
Performance enhancement (sports, exams, public speaking, etc.)
Healing from trauma
Various medical conditions (asthma, pain, headaches)
Stop nail biting and unwanted habits
Unleash sales ability
Age Regression Therapy
Eliminating Phobias
Past Life Regression Therapy
And much more…