Your home for Soul-Aligned, Energy Psychology & Numerical Analysis

that are calling you to become a Conscious Creator of your Reality
because you want the Magic & Miracles
because feeling Aligned & Fulfilled is Expansive & Empowering
Hi beautiful, I’m Sharyn
I’m really passionate about numbers…
Nothing happens in life without them, they are literally intrinsic to everything we do. Mathematicians say numbers rule the world… And I believe they are absolutely right!
Something Ancient within you recognizes just how much is possible for you. You have always felt that! It makes my heart happy to help you remember.
I hope there is something gorgeous, glorious and utterly life-changing for you here — one of my core desires, loves and values in my business — is Connection.
I want to feel your heart. I want to hear your voice. I want to support you personally.

Intuition + Magic + Clear Guidance
4 ways to connect Online or in-Person.
Shine Bright sessions are warm, down to earth, heart centered channeling experiences.
To receive the blessings and miracles that await you. Open your heart to the loving guidance of your angels, guides, and cherished ones on the other side, all standing ready to shower you with their blessings. Their divine wisdom, speaking through me, invites you to let go of what no longer serves you. This session intends to gently help you step into a future that shines more brightly with love and purpose.
One of the most meaningful and profound things you will ever do for yourself is booking a Numerology Soul Session with me.
Together we drop into a numerical Journey as we retrieve aspects of your Wisdom, your Guidance, your Remembrance, your Soul Gifts, and a Knowing you simply can’t Un-know. This session places you in deep, un-forgettable touch with the Power and the Magic of your Soul’s Purpose & Calling. It will give you insights to the cycles in your life, the challenges you may encounter and the general energy for each different stage in your life. It serves to uncover your Soul life mission and confirm that you are on the right path. It can also challenge you to make the changes necessary to live a life of purpose by reaching higher goals than you ever dreamed possible. If you’re feeling blocked and frustrated in your relationships, career, finances or purpose, a reading can help you discover where you are at and what you need to do to get unstuck. If you’re missing out on opportunities and tired of trying to figure things out on your own, a numerology session can help you get clear about your unique codes and destiny.
Each number in your chart holds a unique and special message for you.
When we were created as a spark of beautiful light, we were given through our name and birthdate special unique vibrations. These vibrations can be seen as a sacred geometric design. These codes of light are expressions of your forever essence which makes you unique.
This session plugs in so purely, so powerfully, to the Voice of the Light of Soul as we unlock your unique light code frequencies held within your name; How Light your whole system feels as you tap back into the crystalline Knowing of what it feels like to know your Soul; If you’re ready for something so much more Beautiful, so much more Meaningful, so much more Expansive, Easeful, Embodied and Enchanting then this session is perfect for you.
There is a level of consciousness – a frequency – which holds the cosmic truth of your soul origins. There is a world of peace and bliss and stars that has been forgotten at your time of birth; In this session we connect your Cosmic Origins and the version of you, that your Soul Chose to be when incarnated here. This session highlights your cosmic mission that brings love, light, healing and joy to the planet. Opening your abilities to work with the Invisible Realms, to become the Channel, the Vessel, to Receive everything you are meant for, everything your Soul came here for.
High Level Private Support & Soul Coaching.
These sessions are warm, down to earth, heart centered channeling experiences.
We all have inner critics, doubts, and worries that can get activated and become very loud, making it challenging to sense into our inner compass. These sessions are designed to slice through the fog and cut away confusion, turning the volume up on the wisdom that already exists within you. Through the weaving of Numerical wisdom and intuitive guidance, we will gently detangle any blocks or threads of contraction that you may be experiencing, offering a gentle liberation from self-doubt, fear, and confusion.
Whether you’re seeking a once-off reading or soul-led on-going support , I am honored to serve and hold space for your experience. In each session you will be held. Deeply seen. Lovingly Expanded, so you can call in what’s calling you & speaking to your heart.
There is a level of consciousness – a frequency – which is the truth of you, and from which you can feel JOY every day. We did not come here to live small lives. We came to LIGHT IT ALL UP, to feel wildly alive, to embody LOVE and radiate it far and wide. THIS is our collective purpose.
The time is NOW. The world is at an incredible turning point, and we NEED to be living fully, sharing our gifts.
My gift is my ability to quickly and lovingly discern blind spots and patterns that has helped many people make major shifts in their lives. I am here to ignite accelerated life transformation, because there is no time to waste… we go deep, fast, and shine light into places and spaces that need to be seen and healed. I am here to be a catalyst of positive change on Earth, and help YOU be the same.
Everything to need to know is already inside of you.
About Me
Sharyn Ann McNeil is a globally recognized 5D Visionary, Teacher of Transformation, Psychologist, and Activator of human potential.
She holds degrees in Counseling Psychology and Metaphysical Science, a Healing Touch CHTP certification and is a registered Grief, Hypnosis & Breath-work Practitioner. Sharyn is regarded as an expert on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and Sacred Numerology having served more than 30 years studying, teaching, and counseling in the field of symbols, cycles, and numbers.
Sharyn’s soul mission and passion is to support Souls to activate their Soul Codes and live a life of Divine Service, Abundance & Freedom.
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